How is it with your soul today?
The last 33 months have been so much. They have taken quite a toll… on life, on church, on everyone who is called to ministry, on our relationships, and our embodied ways of being in the world. We areย living in a new era of ministry.ย But that also means we are grieving the era that is passing away.
Every day and every week. Life keeps coming at us. Whether you areย teaching, or writing, or preaching, or visiting patients who are ill or dying. All the while you are also trying to anticipate and liveย fully into this new moment. And simultaneously grieving many losses — personal and corporate.
How is your soul navigating all of this?ย And more. The more that only you know deeply…
In these weeks of Advent waiting, I hope you have space for responding unhurriedly to these questions.ย
Times to Gather
I’m planning two times that offer this kind of space. I am inviting you to drink deeply from silence and spaciousness for thinking, lamenting, reflecting, and dreaming.
Perhaps you’ve been the person planning ALL the things? And now you could use some time and support to just be. To participate rather than lead. And to consider the questions with time to respond in your heart and mind and journal. To talk with another person. Maybe to sit quietly in silence. Or simply to hear the music rather than lead it.ย
If this is what you are longing for, then please join me for either theย Longest Nightย Serviceย (12/21)ย or theย Tending the Fires Workshopย (12/28). Or both! If you need a space to write — either now or in the coming year, I hope you will consider joining us at the Writing Table. We are making space for you and your questions. We are making space for your soul.
I look forward to welcoming you.
The Longest Night Service
December 21, 2022
8p ET // 7p CT // 6p MT // 5p PT
The Longest Night service is sponsored by Three Minute Ministry Mentor and held on zoom. We will gather for poetry, silence, music, and prayer, on the year’s longest night. We will hold space for grieving and for dreaming. Please join us. The event is free.
Register in advance for this service
Share the event with friends on Facebook or as an Instagram story.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Prior to the service we will send a doodling handouts (for adults and kids) and and order of service — which you may print or use on your screen.